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The SDK throws exceptions for operations when an issue is encountered and you should make sure that these are appropriately caught and handled. Each exception contains a code and a message that describes the error. In general, the following exceptions may occur:

  • PERMISSION_ERROR - This exception is thrown when the SDK does not have the required permissions to perform the operation. You need to define nessesary permissions inside your application manifest as described here.
  • SDK_VERSION_ERROR - This exception is thrown when the SDK version is incompatible with the service or the operation being performed.
  • IO_EXCEPTION - This exception is thrown when there is an issue with input/output operations, such as file reading or writing.
  • SERVICE_UNAVAILABLE - This exception is thrown when the service that the SDK is trying to connect to is unavailable on device or not supported.
  • ARGUMENT_VALIDATION_ERROR - This exception is thrown when one or more of the arguments passed to a method is invalid.
  • UNDERLYING_ERROR - This exception is thrown when there is an error with the underlying service or technology the SDK is using.
  • INVALID_RECORD_TYPE - This exception is thrown when the type of record passed to a method is not valid.
  • CLIENT_NOT_INITIALIZED - This exception is thrown when the SDK client has not been properly initialized.
  • INVALID_TEMPERATURE - This exception is thrown when an invalid temperature value is passed to a method.
  • INVALID_ENERGY - This exception is thrown when an invalid energy value is passed to a method.
  • INVALID_BLOOD_GLUCOSE_LEVEL - This exception is thrown when an invalid blood glucose value is passed to a method.
  • INVALID_BLOOD_PRESSURE - This exception is thrown when an invalid blood pressure value is passed to a method.
  • INVALID_MASS - This exception is thrown when an invalid mass value is passed to a method.
  • AGGREGATION_NOT_SUPPORTED - This exception is thrown for some records that does not support aggregation metrics.
  • UNKNOWN_ERROR - This exception is thrown when the SDK encounters an error that is not covered by any other specific exception.